Alamito Ranch Gets a Weather Station!

We are so excited to share about the new soil and weather monitoring station installed on Alamito Ranch by the Texas Water Development Board! This weather station serves as an extremely helpful tool in understanding the specific weather and climate of the Alamito Creek, ultimately helping us become better equipped to cultivate growth within the Alamito Valley.

A little bit about the weather station: This self-contained TWDB system is powered by a solar panel. It provides data on soil moisture, soil temperature, rainfall, wind, air temperature, humidity, and more. This information is automatically transmitted in real-time on the TexMesonet website ( The weather station is a component of the Texas Mesonet, a system of automated meteorological observing stations. It is one of about 90 TWDB sites spaced out across the state. There is one other weather station in southern Presidio County on Ranch Chaa that was installed last year. We are thrilled to receive the second one on the Alamito Ranch.

Special thanks to Mark and Lauren from Texas Water Development Board, Ernesto Zubia, Eduardo Ocon, Nevin Nunez, and Lynn Loomis for their hard work in setting up this awesome piece of equipment!

The Big Bend Sentinel wrote a lovely article about our weather station installation.


Alamito and Marfa ISD College and Trade School Tour


Installation of Grazing Exclosures